8x10 of the day. Prospect Point Lighthouse

In a world where the waves dance wild and free, There stands a tiny lighthouse, a sight to see. Perched upon a cliff, sturdy and proud, Its beacon shines bright, piercing through the shroud.

With bricks of ancient stone and weathered paint, It defies the tempest, undeterred, it remains. Though small in stature, it holds a mighty grace, Guiding lost souls through the darkest embrace.

Its light, a guardian of ships at sea, A tiny lighthouse, a symbol of safety. Amidst the crashing waves, it stands so still, A steadfast sentinel, on the cliff's steep hill.

From dusk till dawn, it whispers a tale, Of resilience, hope, and a love that won't fail. Its flickering glow, a compass in the night, Navigating sailors, casting shadows to flight.

In the storm's wrath, it remains steadfast, A beacon of solace, holding secrets of the past. Guarding ships from treacherous reefs below, With each guiding flicker, a lifeline to bestow.

Oh, tiny lighthouse, how you mesmerize, With your humble presence, against the endless skies. Silently watching, as the tides ebb and flow, A symbol of endurance, a friend to the lost souls.

Through the mist and fog, your light shall gleam, A lullaby of safety, a sailor's dream. In your towering shadow, hope will always reside, For within your walls, a tiny lighthouse, love thrives.

Camera: Gibellini AG810

  • Lens: Fujifilm W 360mm f6.3

  • Film: Kodak Portra 160

  • Developer: C41

  • Developed at: 160 ISO

  • Number of interruptions of people asking about the camera: 0

  • Exposure time: 1/30s

  • Bellows Extension Factor: 0

  • Aperture: f/22

  • Digitized: SilverFast 9

  • Post Process: Photoshop


8x10 of the day. Grebe Island at Howe Sound.


8x10 of the day. Sunset at Burrad Inlet