Tips before a headshot


The most asked question is, “What should I wear for my headshot session?”.

The final use of the image is one of the most important parts of the headshot. A health worker may not want to use black. Maybe your website is green, and a green backdrop is better for you. A kid casting for a movie may prefer white or light blue background.

 Bring multiple pieces for the shoot, do not be scared to overpack. Avoid complex or busy textures that may distract the viewer from the main subject of the picture. This is important, I cannot stress it enough.

 One thing that usually does not work is pure white. It works if your skin is dark, but I do not recommend it.

 If you wear glasses, bring them, it can be tricky to work with the glare so if you have a pair with a non-glare coating, try those. If not, try to bring just the frame. If that is still not possible, we can work around the glare during the session or post-production. 


  • The final use of the image is key. 

  • Avoid wearing baggy clothing. It will make you larger. Use form fitted.

  • Simple textures work well. 

  • Avoid bright colors, it will reflect the light and it will color cast on your face.

  • Simple colors may work, but they are boring at the same time.  

  • Bring the colors that complement your skin tone and your eyes. If you have white skin, avoid just a single white shirt, bring something to compliment it.

  • Bring clothes that make you feel good, from a watch to a pair of shoes. You need to feel comfortable during the headshot. I’ve taking headshots of people wearing heels.

  • Avoid pieces that don’t cover any part of your neck and shoulders, you will give the impression you are naked.

  • Try it before coming to the session, don’t improvise with the clothing, you need to feel comfortable.




Avoid big or any kind of jewellery that distracts people from your face. The headshot is about you, not your necklace or earrings. If you feel identified with a piece, you can bring it to the session, still, I don’t recommend you to do it.

The point of this tip is that what looks good today, may not look good in 10 years, think about that.

Glasses are tricky. Contacts are always better for the photographer. Still, you are the one that dictates your look, I'm here to help you look even better. If you have different glasses, bring them to the studio.


  • No jewellery (or try to avoid it)

  • Glasses with a non-glare coating or, if possible, use contacts.

  • If you have multiple glasses, bring them to the studio.

Hair and Makeup

I highly recommend you to hire a professional Hair and Makeup artist or both. In the same way you are hiring a professional photographer to take your headshots and you don’t use your phone to take some selfies. Makeup and hair are key pieces of the process that a lot of people tend to pass. It usually has the same price of one image but will guarantee that the ones you get after the session are perfect.

For corporate or groups, if there is a hair and makeup artist available, try to have a light base, just the bare minimum which makes you feel confident when you leave your house.

Still, If you decide to test your makeup skills. just consider the following. Less is more

Things to avoid

  • Fake eyelashes of any kind. Leave the caterpillars at home.

  • Hard shadows anywhere in your face.

  • Do not paint your eyebrows. If you have your eyebrows tattooed, do not worry, do your eyebrows as you normally do.

  • Do not add any silver/white/etc color around the eyes, especially in the eye line.

  • Powder base. They create hot spots after some minutes.

  • Too much concealer. It makes transitions in your face unnatural, this is a premium headshot, not a fashion headshot, we want to capture you, not your makeup.

  • Matte lipstick.

Things that look good

  • Normal eyebrows, just try not to have them crazy all around. I recommend you to bring your brush.

  • Curler, ok, this is something that you need to avoid with natural lashes BUT doing it ONLY for the session will not damage them too much and looks better.

  • Gloss lipstick.

If you still like any of the things I tell you not to do, don’t worry, this is about you, my tips are based on experience and working with hundreds of people over the years, feel free to use your style!

Before the session

These tips extend a week or two before the session. A headshot costs you money, invest a bit of time preparing it.

  • If your teeth are not the whitest, go to the dentist and clean them. If they are white, but you feel it could be a bit better, get some bleaching gels and use them for a week.

  • Try to drink a lot of water during the week before the headshot.

  • Get a good sleep the days before your headshot, bonus points if you get a good sleep the whole week.

  • If you want to try multiple looks, leave some beard and shave it in the studio if possible (ask the photographer before this).


You Are Worthy


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