Jose Palma Photography

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GF 110mm F/2

It is about time of sharing my opinion about this lens. It was one of the two lenses I bought when I jumped to the GFX ecosystem, the GF 100mm F/2 and the GF 32-64mm F/4, and I can say I have more than one hundred thousand images with it (yes 100000) between my GFX 100 and 100s.

I’m going to save you some time reading the review, it is the best lens in the GFX line up. Other lenses may come close, like the 250mm, but they are not as bright as they should or their size and weight is just not there.

As I did with my GF 80mm F/1.7 review, I will not share charts or similar. This review is just simply based on my experience, and in the case of the 110mm, after an obscene amount of pictures. Think that my headshot business has been built on top of this optic.

I can say at the same time, it is the best 85mm equivalent out there, not any GM, RF, Z, EF, FD or any brand out there will get close. The lens renders colors to perfection for portraits and headshots, moving to more warmth natural tonality compared with other GF lenses, like the 45-100 or 63, that have blue tint or more cold look.

Using a similar focal length, like the Sigma 105 F/1.4, at same F values, I can say the T value of the GF 110mm is about T 2.4 or the Sigma 105 is about T 1.2.

Image quality is just simply perfect, sharp since F2 getting dangerously sharp at F4-5.6 and start to drop at about F8 because of diffraction, the quality of the out of focus areas is incredible good looking, smooth, the falloff doesn’t look distracting, no chromatic aberrations, if you are looking for outstanding image quality on an optic, this is the one, I can justify dropping Sony/Canon/Nikon just for this lens, it is that good.

The lens focus fast, nearly as fast as the GF 50mm, that is a lens of super tiny size compare with the GF 110mm. Sadly, the GFX system autofocus is a bit lacking compared with other systems and if you shoot between F2-4 be prepared to get a lot of eyelashes in focus instead of the eye.

Another point for the lens is how quite it is. I didn’t care about that until I started providing a premium headshot experience where I simply don’t want a lens making more noise than a chihuahua.

One thing that we may argue is that the lens doesn’t have image stabilization and that is true, I can see having floating elements for that, like the GF 120mm, would have made the lens heavier and noisier. Obviously, if you shoot the GFX 100 or 100s, you can enable the in body image stabilization, but I can see other GFX cameras that lack this feature having problems if you are not in a tripod. On that note, remember to disable the in body image stabilization if you use a tripod.

Now here comes the big question, Should You Buy the GF 80mm or the GF 110mm?

Clearly it will depend on your use case, I can’t tell you on what to spend your money, as optics, the 110mm is better on every single aspect, that 0.3 on F stops is so marginal or real world situations, that I really really wouldn’t put that as a big plus on the GF 80 vs the 110 if you are trying to get one or the other. Any of both lenses are designed to work with natural light on low light situations. The main difference is that the image quality of the GF 80mm is miles behind the 110mm, it is slower, it is louder, it is not as sharp, you will spend more time fixing colors, etc.

If you are more of a natural light, half body portrait photographer, both lenses are good, but probably the 80mm will work better for you, if you have a studio with enough space that you can use the 110mm for that, get the 110mm.

Pros of the 110mm:

  • Best image quality of any 85mm out there.

  • Fast

  • Quite

  • Natural color rendition.

  • Beautiful out of focus and falloff.

Cons of the 110mm:

  • No OIS (not really but I have to put something)

  • It’s T value is probably not T2

Price is not a cons, if you get it, you should expect to get your money back with portraits and headshots as a minimum and if you are a hobbyist, you shouldn’t be thinking about the price neither. If you are a pro, you can put it as an expense for your business and save some money back in taxes later as well. This lens is a must have if you are a portrait or headshot photographer. This lens should make you ditch away your current system and move to Fujifilm GFX system. It is really this good.

For images you can check my main page, 100% of the images were taken with the GF 110mm F2.