8x10 of the day. Burrard Bridge

Welcome to Vancouver, British Columbia, a city renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant urban charm. Nestled in the heart of this picturesque city is the Burrard Bridge, an iconic landmark that not only serves as a vital transportation link but also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding scenery. Join us as we embark on a virtual journey across this architectural marvel and explore the allure it holds for locals and visitors alike.

The Burrard Bridge, officially opened on July 1, 1932, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of its time. Designed by George L. Thornton Sharp, an esteemed engineer, this magnificent structure was constructed to connect the downtown peninsula with the residential neighborhoods of Kitsilano and Fairview. With a total length of 1,147 meters (3,763 feet), the bridge spans across False Creek, showcasing a captivating blend of functionality and beauty.

As you traverse the Burrard Bridge, prepare to be mesmerized by the breathtaking vistas it offers. To the north, you'll be treated to a panoramic view of downtown Vancouver's gleaming skyline, with its iconic skyscrapers soaring into the sky. On the south side, the enchanting natural beauty of Kitsilano Beach and the distant mountains creates a captivating contrast against the urban landscape. The bridge serves as a gateway to unforgettable vistas that capture the essence of Vancouver.

Beyond its role as a vehicular bridge, the Burrard Bridge has evolved into a cyclist and pedestrian-friendly haven. Its wide sidewalks accommodate both walkers and cyclists, inviting them to immerse themselves in the refreshing sea breeze and captivating scenery. Whether you're a cycling enthusiast or a leisurely stroller, a journey across the bridge offers an invigorating experience and the perfect opportunity to capture stunning photographs.

A notable feature of the Burrard Bridge is its unique art deco-style bascule towers. These majestic structures, adorned with intricate geometric patterns, add a touch of elegance to the bridge's overall aesthetic. Additionally, these towers serve as a reminder of the bridge's historical significance, reflecting the architectural trends of the early 20th century.

The Burrard Bridge has witnessed the growth and transformation of Vancouver over the decades. It has played a vital role in connecting the city's communities and facilitating transportation and trade. The bridge stands as a symbol of Vancouver's rich history, representing the resilience and progress of the city and its people.

The Burrard Bridge is more than just a means of crossing False Creek; it's a captivating landmark that offers a gateway to Vancouver's beauty and charm. From its architectural brilliance and stunning views to its role in fostering a sense of community, the bridge holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Whether you're exploring Vancouver on foot, cycling across the city, or simply seeking a moment of tranquility amidst the bustling urban landscape, the Burrard Bridge is a must-visit destination that promises an unforgettable experience. So, come and discover the magic of this iconic landmark and immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance it offers.

Camera: Gibellini AG810

  • Lens: Fujifilm C 300

  • Film: Ilford Delta 100

  • Developer: Ilford HC 1+31

  • Developed at: 100

  • Number of interruptions of people asking about the camera: 0

  • Exposure time: 1/15s

  • Bellows Extension Factor: 0

  • Aperture: f/22

  • Digitized: SilverFast 9

  • Post Process: Photoshop

This has been my first time, after more than 100 8x10s, that I forgot to close the lens after focusing.

Overexposed imaged of burrard bridge

8x10 of the day. Alexia


8x10 of the day. Chevron